
ThinkPad Thunderbolt 3 Dock | Suspend Problem

As mentioned in this post; I have acquired a new laptop from Lenovo, the ThinkPad X1 Extreme. Since I will be working from home sometimes, I thought it would be a good idea to buy an dock station for it.

So I decided to buy the following dock station:

It is a nice dock station solution, especially because it connects everything to the laptop via Thunderbolt 3. However; since I am running Fedora in my laptop, things couldn’t be that easy right?

Firstly, by default any bolt-based device is not enabled in Fedora. So I have found this blog that helped on this matter. After that all ports were working as expected. FYI, I haven’t had to turn the SELinux off in order to work.

Secondly; I have found that any time I boot the laptop with the lid closed, the O.S would turn to a suspended state after the login. It was like if after the login – I would have closed the lid off. After some digging across many Fedora forums, I found a thread where people were discussing some-old-knobs-that-used-to-work-on-previous-versions.

Anyone that uses Linux might be used to these kind of thing, but I guess I haven’t used Linux as much as I should to get used to it. Anyway, in one of those threads I have found the proper solution. Here are the steps:

   1) sudo vi /etc/systemd/logind.conf
2) Uncomment the property HandleLidSwitch
   3) Set the value of this property to "ignore"
4) sudo systemctl restart systemd-logind

That is it. After that you should have everything working =)